AWX playbook issue using redhat module for Satellite

Hi All,

I’m using automation hub collection with Ansible to retrieve or configure parameters by Satellite, like: redhat.satellite.sync_plan. As test I’ve disabled TLS certificates checking with validate_certs as no.
Unfortunately I’ve received a connection error despite username/password are correct.
Here’s the error message from AWX:
Failed to connect to Foreman server: DocLoadingError: Could not load data from https://server.domain: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘server.domain’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /apidoc/v2.json (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f1c3ca46e80>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 110] Connection timed out’,))\n - is your server down?\n - was rake apipie:cache run when using apipie cache? (typical production settings)"

I don’t understand this problem and I don’t know how to go further for troubleshooting…
Has anyone had encounter the same issue or does anyone have an idea?

Thanks for your help

Best regards, H


Did you mask the https://server.domain or is that really where its trying to connect to?
The module error is reporting: “Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 110] Connection timed out” which I think is your error.
If you did mask the URL, can you attempt to connect to your server from the AWX server using curl or some other means to make sure there isn’t something blocking the connection?
Also, if this is the supported collection (which it looks like it is) you can also request support from RedHat.

-The AWX Team

Hi Team,
Yeah, I’ve masked the URL.
I’ve tried to connected to my server from the AWX Server and it is ok but I’ve got some issue from the AWX Container: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain

  • Closing connection.
    Unfortunately I don’t have the password of the awx user on container and I cannot change anything on this awx-instance-web container.
    You right, it is a supported collection but I dont’t know if I could do some request because I’m using AWX and not Ansible Tower.
    Thank you and best regards, H

Do you know what the self signed cert in the chain is from? Is it an internal cert?
If so, and you trust it, have you tried using the validate_certs option in the module?
That should prevent the module from validating the certs all together.

-The AWX Team