Hi everybody,
does anyone have a setup on a managed kubernetes (aks) running a sync between awx and satellite? Although we have custom-ca-bundle active we are getting error messages:
loading collection theforeman.foreman from /usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/theforeman/foreman
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /runner/inventory/foreman.yml with auto plugin:
HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘xxxxxxx’, port=443): Max retries
exceeded with url: /api/v2/status?page=1&per_page=250 (Caused by
certificate verify failed: self signed certificate in certificate chain
Best Regards
“custom-ca-bundle active”
how did you specify this exactly, using the ‘bundle-ca-secret’ or something else?
You might get around this by baking the ca bundle (and activating them by adding to trust store) in the execution environment image itself
AWX Team
Thanks for the reply. Yes we added it to the bundle-ca-secret. How can we achieve your suggestion. Do we have to create our own ee image?
Best Regards
Yeah you can use ansible-builder tool to create your own execution environment image.
see the official docs here https://ansible-builder.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
and a nice blog post here https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/creating-custom-ee-awx-phil-griffiths/
Once you build the image, upload to a image repository like quay, and then create an EE in the AWX UI pointing to that image (be mindful of credentials if hosted on a private repo)
AWX Team