AWX Operator + k3s and inventory import

I tried to install latest AWX Operator on my CentOS 7 vm using following guide:
Does anyone know, how am i able to import multiple hosts or my own inventory file into AWX ?


Use inventory sources

I tried to use “sourced from a project” method, but im not able to see my inventory file.
Could it be, that it does not work with a project, which is using manual source control? or is it overall bug ? kirjutas teisipäev, 7. september 2021 kl 16:05:59 UTC+3:

I use this method all the time now and it shows up. Have you updated the project, formatted correctly?

Hmm, i think so. I did try again and now im getting an error message - Cannot use manual project for SCM-based inventory. Any suggestions ? Maybe im still doing something wrong ? kirjutas kolmapäev, 8. september 2021 kl 08:41:20 UTC+3:

Can you show the screen please? Error message text

This “/ (project root)” was my only choice. So i did try to type manually inventory.ini file there and then i got that error. Should this inventory file come into the selection itself ? kirjutas kolmapäev, 8. september 2021 kl 09:27:50 UTC+3:

As i understand, my project “Source Control Credential Type” must be something different, not manual yes ? Otherwise, it won’t work.

Kimmo L. kirjutas kolmapäev, 8. september 2021 kl 09:52:21 UTC+3:

What’s your project where your source files are? Click on the magnifying glass and locate your project (or did you do that)?

I already did that yes. My “lab” project is located locally on the same host. kirjutas neljapäev, 9. september 2021 kl 10:29:21 UTC+3:

Yeah sure. Rancher is essentially just a view into your kubernetes cluster. Just follow the instructions in awx. It will deploy into the kubernetes cluster. Once there and deployed and I want to upgrade I just use rancher to update the operator.

Let me know if there is anything specific thst you are looking for. :blush: