When I start a backup with awx-operator with :
kubectl apply -f backup/awxbackup.yaml
It keeps failing at the Postgres part of the ansible playbook postgres.yml
The logging of the containers it says:
“the output has been hidden due to the fact that ‘no_log: true’ was specified for this result”
When I connect to the manager container and view the ansible playbook postgres.yml
I am interested in this answer as well because, from what I know, there is no way to remove the no_log part other than changing the operator playbook source and rebuilding the AWX operator container image.
As of Operator 0.23.0 or later, “no_log” can be passed as a parameter for AWX, AWXBackup, and AWXRestore custom resources.
Therefore if upgrading Operator is acceptable for you, using “no_log” parameter for your custom resources is the most reasonable (and officially accepted) way, in my understanding.
If you want to debugging on older version on K3s anyway, as Vincent said, re-building Operator image is the one of the prefered way, but I like your approach
FYI, since you seem to already have a Container ID, exploring /run/k3s/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v2.task/k8s.io/${CONTAINER_ID}/rootfs is more direct way than exploring snapshots under /var/lib, since the directory under /run/…/rootfs is actual mount point for snapshots under /var/lib for containerd.
For example, to force “no_log” disabled you could do the following.