AWX migration issue at task Stream backup from pg_dump to the new postgresql container

Hello - I am having some problems now trying to get past this task. Whats different in my migration - i have an existing awx instance with a managed postgres-db pod in an eks cluster.

I have a brand new build for an external RDS postgresql instance.

I created the old secret and the new secret for the external rds db
(awx-prod-old-postgres-configuration & awx-prod01-postgres-configuration)

I applied the following with kustomize cmd:

kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -

here is my kustomization file:

kind: Kustomization
# Find the latest tag here:
- awx-prod.yml

# Set the image tags to match the git version from above
- name:
newTag: 1.1.0

# Specify a custom namespace in which to install AWX
namespace: awx

And here is my awx-prod.yml deployment

kind: AWX
name: awx-prod
namespace: awx
service_type: NodePort
nodeport_port: 30080
ingress_type: none
service_labels: |
environment: production
team: *******
hostname: *******
old_postgres_configuration_secret: awx-prod-old-postgres-configuration
postgres_configuration_secret: awx-prod01-postgres-configuration
secret_key_secret: awx-prod-secret-key

I watched the scale down occur and now it seems I am stuck at this part it seems - it has been sitting here for couple of hours:

--------------------------- Ansible Task StdOut -------------------------------

TASK [installer : Stream backup from pg_dump to the new postgresql container] ***
task path: /opt/ansible/roles/installer/tasks/migrate_data.yml:57

are we able to have the operator migrate outside of the k8s to the rds database?

I ended up going the pgdump | pgrestore method - had to make sure the secret for the RDS was created beforehand and re-applied the AWX object into the cluster, also needed the external rds created with the same role that the k8s postgresdb was using called “awx”, otherwise there are errors thrown for ownership on the tables during the pgrestore to the external db.

glad you figured it out! thanks for sharing what you did to make it work

AWX Team