awx-operator and ngnix performance

Hello, I need your advice on adjusting the performance of ngnix.

After searching in the operator definition I noticed that the values are currently static and I can’t change them.

However, by adding a second replica I solved my problem with the amount of API calls our Configure AWX project generates when configuring Ansible AWX.

With a replica I get this error.

“msg”: “There was an unknown error when trying to connect to https://servername/api/v2/job_templates/********65/survey_spec/: timeout The read operation timed out”

In fact I always have a read operation time out but not always on the same endpoint. It looks like a limit on the amount of total calls.

I checked the number of connections to Ngnix via curl localhost:8052/nginx_status and I saw a maximum of 150 connections.

That’s why I was thinking that if I increase the number of worker_processes or worker_connections it could solve my problem because theoretically by using a 2nd replica I double my values and in this case I don’t have any more problem.

Do you have any idea what is causing my problem.

Thank you for your help!