AWX Openshift pods not starting

We have upgraded the AWX operator from version 2.12.2 to 2.16.1.

Since then, I am unable to see the awx-web and awx-task pods in the AWX namespace.

please help on fixing this.

and i am unable to access the console

You will need to post the logs from the AWX controller to see what is failing. Looks like something in your upgrade is going wrong since you have Postgres 13 and 15 pods existing simultaneously.

Hi @mcen1

Here are the logs from the AWX controller

Flag --logtostderr has been deprecated, will be removed in a future release, see
W0325 06:05:23.327415       1 kube-rbac-proxy.go:155] 
==== Deprecation Warning ======================

Insecure listen address will be removed.
Using --insecure-listen-address won't be possible!

The ability to run kube-rbac-proxy without TLS certificates will be removed.
Not using --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file won't be possible!

For more information, please go to


I0325 06:05:23.327542       1 kube-rbac-proxy.go:284] Valid token audiences: 
I0325 06:05:23.327590       1 kube-rbac-proxy.go:378] Generating self signed cert as no cert is provided
I0325 06:05:24.018910       1 kube-rbac-proxy.go:442] Starting TCP socket on
I0325 06:05:24.019306       1 kube-rbac-proxy.go:449] Listening securely on

I think those are the logs for your kube rbac proxy. You’ll need the logs from awx-operator-controller-manager. Typically those logs have a lot of Ansible playbook output during an upgrade.

Hi @mcen1

i am sharing the awx-operator-controller-manager logs as you asked