Complete “Noob” warning:
I’ve got my AWX running on a VMWare server in our test env. Installed and deployed with a docker/minikube instance. I’m running test playbooks from inside of AWX, and learning as I go. My noob question (and I have been poking around this “Get Help” section) is:
When I try to use Ansible command line from either the VM where all of my playbooks reside, or even after I ssh into the minikube guest VM, as the root user, or as the docker user… I don’t seem to be able to use any Ansible command line at all. I specifically would like to test out using Ansible-Vault to see how encrypting SSH keys with Ansible-Vault might go with some of my playbooks. So that’s my question should I install Ansible on the VM or inside the minikube container? Only asking because those ssh keys that (currently) live on the AWX controller server remain unencrypted. I could put a passphrase on them I suppose (and on some I have) but I am wondering about how to run Ansible-Commands on either the vm or the container VM, (if possible/advisable)?
Thank you much!
P.S. Also wondering …since passphrases, and ssh keys are already encrypted in AWX, if I still need to vault them on the server? Again it’s a testing environment, so not a huge deal at the moment but in a Prod env. We might need some other solutions. Thank you in advance!