Quick Question on putting ssh keys into a custom ee.

I am migrating from a docker only AWX instance to a K8s AWX instance with an executable environment. I have already upgraded my DEV system to AWX operator 19.4.0, and I do have an executable environment.

I am currently updating my playbooks to play nice with ansible 2.11 ( previously, I was using 2.9.x ). All kinds of fun with collections.

My question is in regards to ssh keys. I have a few playbooks that I delegate some tasks to a few “Task Runner” VM Systems.

So, I need to have ssh keys that allowed to connect to my task runner vms. I think that I can do this via:

Creating ssh secrets key file in kubernetes - Stack Overflow

However, I also think it may be possible by simply updating my custom ee.

Anyone else out there have a suggestion - especially if you are doing this currently with a similar configuration that I am using ? Code snippets especially welcome :slight_smile:

I found the following while doing research on this:

Jan-Piet Mens :: Configure SSH ProxyCommand for Ansible AWX on Kubernetes (jpmens.net)