AWX - Is PV mandatory to have?


Hello Ansible Community

I have an external database on AWS aurora RDS service that uses an engine on version 15.5 of PostgreSQL

We are trying to deploy AWX using ArgoCD/Kustomize stack

My question is can we deploy it without using a PV/PVC along with the default postgres pod that the helm deploys ? (see image)

Here is my values.yaml file :

  # enable use of awx-deploy template
  enabled: true
  name: awx
    admin_user: admin

  # configurations for external postgres instance
    enabled: true
    host: "myAWSendpoint"
    port: 5432
    dbName: "AWX-DB"
    username: admin
    password: "mypassword"
    sslmode: prefer
    type: managed

Thanks in advance all for your help
