I am new to AWX. I recently installed AWX on a Fedora 32 server, the UI is partially loading but I am seeing a postgre connection issue. I am not sure where to look at and change the configuration to point to the right server; any help would be appreciated.
The most minimal way I know to deploy AWX to k8s is to get my local kubectl configured to talk to my cluster, create a namespace, then set the following vars.
This set up will create an ingress for you, you can find it later if you look for ingresses in your namespace named [awx-web-svc](https://console.cloud.google.com/kubernetes/ingress/us-east1-d/tower-qe/elijah-vanilla/awx-web-svc?authuser=1&project=ansible-tower-engineering)
This will also deploy a postgres image pulled from dockerhub with ephemeral storage.
I think the main problem if you use default inventory file is that it does not say where to get the pg image from. Part of problem is there are many options, trick is whatever we choose will not work for everyone but I personally think maybe there is room for a PR to uncomment that as its a pretty good use case “I want to try out awx and I’d like it to provision a default database w/ ephemeral storage”.