Awx in offline enviorment - issue with EE image


Hi ,
i Am using AWX version 23.5.1 with docker compose. I preformed the installation in online machine and then moved it as OVF to my server(offline).
Of course , I tested everything in the online machine to verify that I am not running into any problems.
After that I moved it , I tried to run jobs but I got this error

Error: initializing source docker:// pinging container registry dial tcp: lookup on read udp> i/o timeout

So I tried to pull the image online and inserting it to my offline machine with docker load …
and I ran to the same issue.

I saw a lot of tutorials in creating custom execution environment and etc. but I currently only need to make it work ,

Thanks in advance

Hello @Ron welcome to the community!

There is an option on AWX to pull an EE image only when it’s missing. If I recall correctly, the default is to pull always, even when the image is present. Can you double check that?

Hope it helps

Hi Ron,
Were you able to find a fix for this issue? we came across the same behavior and can’t run any jobs.


I am also using an Offline environment and facing the same problem. Please advise how to fix this problem.

Failed, retrying in 1s ... (1/3). Error: initializing source docker:// pinging container registry Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout 

I have resolved this problem on my offline environment. Need to follow these steps.

  1. you must use your private registry to pull the image in my case (nexus repository).
  2. pull the image from your local repository.
add the following content to 
 "registry-mirrors": ["https://<your registry-url>"]

after changes restart the docker
systemctl restart docker
  1. login into the container and use below command to create image registry credentials.
awx-manage register_default_execution_environments \
--registry-url <your registry-url> \
--registry-username <registry-username> \
--registry-password <your registry-password>
  1. Modify the below file and update these 2 variables


GLOBAL_JOB_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENTS = [{'name': 'AWX EE (latest)', 'image': '<your registry name>/ansible/awx-ee:latest'}]

CONTROL_PLANE_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT = '<your registry name>/ansible/awx-ee:latest'
  1. After that restart the container, after restart logged into awx GUI and create your own Execution Environment with your own private registry.