I just upgraded to AWX v21.0.1 and it’s running as several containers.
I’m trying to get my EE to work and just pushed a custom EE to ECR in AWS. I can pull the custom EE with my AWS credentials. I’m not seeing a way to do this through AWX. Is this true?
In our case, I have created a custom EE and pull it from our custom registry (an internal Harbor instance). The registry uses a custom cert so I had to fiddle with the registries.yaml settings for K3S for our internal CA cert to be used (for ECR this works out of the box).
I am passing the Harbor project token via a new registry credential which I associate with the custom EE and this works.
One thing to realize for debugging is that there will be no job output or any info in the AWX UI when the image fails to pull (we run AWX 19.4.0). You’ll have to look at your k8s cluster logs at this level, the pod will show ImagePullBackoff when this is the case.
So very sorry for not having mention this but we are not on AWX K8 instance as of right now. We use the (now dev) docker deployment version. I think there’s a bit more flexibility with the K8 instance but I will have to see if something like this exists for our deployment version
Most people just use the AWX UI and they don’t know or even care about how it works “under the hood”. This deployment is on a machine that can be reachable by our internal network.
Our users do write scripts and give AWX access to these repos though but very few people mess with the docker, EE, containers, etc part of the system.
Thanks for that additional bit of information, as it shows one can deploy the Docker-based env for others to use at a small scale.
I agree most of your users will not ever dive into the platform itself, as they consume AWX (be it from the CLI/API or from the UI).