AWX - gcp source inventory how to exclude windows hosts

Hello! I was wondering if perhaps someone could help me with more insight on dynamic inventories/smart inventories.

Currently I have a inventory with multiple sources all using gcp source dynamic inventory. Had to do multiple sources because for some reason I was getting a bug when setting retrieve_image_info: “true” and having multiple projects.

Currently each source looks like this for each project.

  - foo-infra-prd
retrieve_image_info: "true"
  - prefix: NETWORK
    key: networkInterfaces[0]
  - prefix: PROJECT
    key: project
  - prefix: IMAGE
    key: image
  # List host by name instead of the default public ip
  - name
  - NOT = "" # no k8 machines
  # Set an inventory parameter to use the Public IP address to connect to the host
  # For Private ip use "networkInterfaces[0].networkIP"
  ansible_host: networkInterfaces[0].networkIP

I am able to get a good hosts list and I then created a smart inventory to split out based on the network I want to target.

However some issues I faced are that there are some windows hosts I do not want to target in the host list.

My question is, is there a way to add exclusions in SMART inventory or Perhaps using the Enabled Variable/enabled Value area in the Google cloud engine source.

  • Include the version(s) of the relevant software tools, libraries, collections etc
    AWX 24.3.1

I was able to solve this by using constructed inventories.

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