Hello everyone, I created a dynamic inventory for azure and connected it to my test AWX instance. It creates some variables per host which contain azure information.
I want to make a smart inventory to grab only say, CentOS hosts, or only Linux hosts. These fields exist in my variables but I can’t seem to figure out the format to grab them
I saw an email from a few years go which mentioned that this is not supported, but with my current version, it seems to be possible (see screenshot)
I can get the list of hosts when I my search filter is doing something like “variables__contains:linux” (I do not have proper syntax since AWX seems to create objects now instead of using search strings, see screenshot attached)
But I cannot be more explicit, using something like “variables.virtual_machine_size__exact:Standard_A4_v2” (Again, if I look for "
“variables__contains:Standard_A4_v2”, I get the hosts I want.
Is this possible? If so, how should I refer to specific keys within my variables?