AWX extending the api/v2/metrics/ exporters


I have a feature request that I’m not sure is currently available with AWX 19.1.0, I am aware that AWX comes with an exporter for grabbing total templates, projects, users, etc… But I was wondering if or how we can obtain more information than just this data.

For example, I would like to be able to have a progress/history of a job. Details like how long it took to run, if it failed, passed, etc… I’m not super familiar with developing Prometheus exporters and would love to bounce this idea to this community. I’m no expert but I would like to help and contribute where I can.

All the best,
Kevin Bonilla

ara records ansible is supposed to do this in the latest version, and work with awx in kubernetes clusters, but I have yet to get it to work with my current setup.

But I’m with you, I’d rather NOT have to write my own cli/DB scraper to get job details statistics, but not to say I haven’t done something similar in the past.

Thanks for sharing ARA records ansible! I thinks it is an awesome project, I’ll need to look more into it to see if it’s the right fit for my environment.

And yeah, I totally agreed I’d much prefer to not build an exporter from the ground up but maybe look into extending the functionality of the api/v2/metrics/.

Let me know what you wind up going with. My last foray was looking at the metrics API as well. I’ll probably spend some time looking at them both next week.

I’m currently in the process of upgrading to 19 from 8, from a standalone to fully AWX on AWX with an aurora postgres DB on the backend and deploying with the ansible operator.