AWX Ansible Version Upgrade to 2.9.x

Hey all,

We are hoping to use the vmware_guest_network module via AWX, and noticed the dependency for Ansible version 2.9.

From what I see, Ansible 2.8.5 is the latest Ansible paired with AWX 9.1?

Any idea when we might expect to see that upgraded? Thanks!

AWX is compatible with Ansible 2.9. The reason you’re getting 2.8.5 is that the prebuilt AWX container images are based on CentOS 8 and get their Ansible from EPEL, and 2.8.5 is the latest Ansible in EPEL 8. So one option would be to edit your awx_task Dockerfile and change how it acquires Ansible. Perhaps a simpler option would be to make a Python virtualenv, pip install the latest Ansible into it (and PyVmomi and whatever else you need), and then define that as a custom virtualenv for your job template that uses vmware_guest_network.