Awx anisble collection syntax error

I have created a playbook to config the awx platform using the awx.awx collection. I have the tower_cli.cfg in my home directory and I have input environment of the host, username, and password. Below is the playbook I have attempted to run.

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
    - awx.awx

    - name: Create Inventory
        name: "test"
        organization: "AWX_Admins"
        #controller_config_file: "{{ ansible_config_file }}"
        validate_certs: false
        state: present
      register: inventory
      failed_when: inventory.rc != 0

The Error I receive is

/collections/ansible_collections/awx/awx/plugins/module_utils/", line 154
    endpoint = hostname_prefix + f"{api_path}v2{endpoint}"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => 
  msg: Unexpected failure during module execution.
  stdout: ''"

What version of python do you have?

The python version is python2 and I think it was using ansible_config_file as a variable. I got it going. Thank you for reaching out

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