AWX and Host Collections

I hope that someone can help and that I’m just missing something obvious.

I have Red Hat Satellite set to create and populate a number of Host Collections. Essentially so I can treat specific groups of machines as a group, mainly for patching purposes.

I can see how to schedule jobs on the Satellite end to only apply to a specific host collection but am at a loss on how to do this in AWX.

I have successfully been able to create an inventory which grabs all of the Host Groups and Host Collections from Satellite that can be seen under the Groups tab in the inventory. But, it does not seem possible to create a Resource Template that uses any of the host collections. I can pick the entire inventory but that would select all of the hosts. You can also go to the groups tab in the inventory and then click “Run Command” but that doesn’t allow you to run a command for that host collection but that doesn’t allow you to use Projects and Templates.

What is the magic to either:

a) Create an inventory pulling from Satellite that only includes a specific Host Collection
b) Be able to select a Host Collection from the larger inventory when creating the template

Thanks in advance for any assistance people can provide

Inside of a job template you can select the inventory and then there is a “limit” field where you can add an additional limit from the inventory.
So if you have a group in your inventory you can enter the group name as the limit for the job template and then the job would only run against that group.
Let us know if that works for you.

-The AWX Team

Hi. Another one way to inventory. Watch in link