AWX 17.0.1 empty start date scheduling

Hi, I am using AWX 17.0.1, and I’m a system administrator. An user has a problem when he want to edit/create a schedule object. the start date is empty. other users doesn’t have this problem. He tried with a temporary account, and the same problem appear.
but when I try with the temporary account, I see the datetime.
We use Google Chrome on Windows.
do you have an idea how I can resolve this problem please ?


Does it work if the user tries a different browser altogether (i.e. firefox)? Do they see related any console errors in the browser?

The UI has been changed and overhauled since AWX v17, so unfortunately we can’t provide support around this issue, but we’ll leave it open for any other community members to chime in.

We highly recommend upgrading to the newer versions of AWX, that way we can better assist in any issues you might run into.


AWX Team