Ansible runner, receptor and container images

I am playing with ansible-runner and receptor and was wondering how is the container image passed to the remote node

ansible-runner transmit ./EE --playbook site.yml --container-image hci-ee | receptorctl --socket /var/run/receptor.sock work submit -f --node receptor -p - ansible-runner | ansible-runner process /tmp/

but on the remove system no pods

podman images

Is thier a step im missing or is their some other magic at work here


I am re-posting my comment on the Matrix as this may be helpful for some users in the future.

You should place ./EE/env/settings and add process_isolation: true to it. Without this configuration, worker process invokes ansible-playbook directly on remote node instead of using container.

Maybe my repository and blog can help you to understand what AWX, Ansible Runner, and Receptor do for Job execution:


Hi @aheath1992! It looks like the post might be solved - could you check to see if the response by @kurokobo worked for you?

If so, it would be super helpful if you could click the :heavy_check_mark: on their post to accept the solution - it recognises the input of others, helps our volunteers find new issues to answer, and keeps the forum nice and tidy.

(this is template reply, do feel free to reply if I’ve misunderstood the situation!)

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