I would like to use ansible-navigator
to run playbook in EE, in order to test playbooks and collections.
I see that ansible-navigator run
can run playbooks in EE: it starts the container, it runs the playbook, it exits the EE container, all in non interactive mode. This is good for test, I always start with the same initial conditions of a new fresh container. This is like it happens in AWX.
So I would like to use ansible-navigator run
in this way.
First problem I encountered: AWX allows me to define a project requirements.yml. Ansible-navigator can’t.
This is not a problem, I try with a playbook:
- name: Install requirements on controller node
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: Install collections
type: both
requirements_file: requirements.yml
- name: Other play requiring requirements
hosts: myhost
Unfortunately there is not a kind of meta to refresh the collection list runtime and the following play fails (ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action
…). I should replay the playbook, but with ansible-navigator run
I can’t.
Let suppose I can run the playbook again. Required collections has been installed at previous step and other plays can proceed. This is not true at all.
If I’m testing a collection I can have a play like:
- name: Role installation process
hosts: linux
http_proxy: "{{ myrole_proxy }}"
https_proxy: "{{ myrole_proxy }}"
no_proxy: "{{ no_proxy | default(omit) }}"
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"
- mynamespace.mycollection.myrole
The result is
PLAY [Role installation process] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [linux_ubuntu24]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The field 'environment' has an invalid value, which includes an undefined variable. The error was: {'http_proxy': '{{ myrole_proxy }}', 'https_proxy': '{{ myrole_proxy }}', 'no_proxy': '{{ no_proxy | default(omit) }}'}: 'myrole_proxy' is undefined. 'myrole_proxy' is undefined. {'http_proxy': '{{ myrole_proxy }}', 'https_proxy': '{{ myrole_proxy }}', 'no_proxy': '{{ no_proxy | default(omit) }}'}: 'myrole_proxy' is undefined. 'myrole_proxy' is undefined. {'http_proxy': '{{ myrole_proxy }}', 'https_proxy': '{{ myrole_proxy }}', 'no_proxy': '{{ no_proxy | default(omit) }}'}: 'myrole_proxy' is undefined. 'myrole_proxy' is undefined. {'http_proxy': '{{ myrole_proxy }}', 'https_proxy': '{{ myrole_proxy }}', 'no_proxy': '{{ no_proxy | default(omit) }}'}: 'myrole_proxy' is undefined. 'myrole_proxy' is undefined"}
The first error could depends on community.general.ansible_galaxy_install
The second error could depends on meta refresh_inventory
. I install inventory with:
- name: Setup inventory file
src: "group_vars_linux.yml"
dest: "/etc/ansible/hosts/group_vars/linux.yml"
owner: root
group: root
mode: '0644'
- name: Refresh inventory
ansible.builtin.meta: refresh_inventory
I defined myrole_proxy
in /etc/ansible/hosts/group_vars/linux.yml and it seems that refresh_inventory
does not take into account this var.
Again, if I run the playbook again, then it works as expected. But I have to run it three times…
Complete example
- name: Install requirements on controller node
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: Install collections
type: both
requirements_file: requirements.yml
- name: Prepare inventory hosts
hosts: localhost
tags: setup
gather_facts: false
- name: Setup inventory folder
path: /etc/ansible/hosts/group_vars
state: directory
mode: '0755'
- name: Setup inventory file
src: "../group_vars_linux.yml"
dest: "/etc/ansible/hosts/group_vars/linux.yml"
owner: root
group: root
mode: '0644'
- name: Refresh inventory with new containers
ansible.builtin.meta: refresh_inventory
- name: Role installation process
hosts: linux
no_proxy: localhost,
http_proxy: "{{ myrole_proxy }}"
https_proxy: "{{ myrole_proxy }}"
no_proxy: "{{ no_proxy | default(omit) }}"
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"
- mynamespace.mycoll.myrole
# cat /etc/ansible/hosts/group_vars/linux.yml
It’s difficult to notice these issues if you don’t try to run all in row.
A solution is to run ansible-navigator exec
with a shell script with three ansible-playbook
Obviously, another solution is to provide all inventory details and collection dependencies in EE at build time. In this way I should have an EE for every project, it’s not very good for me.
I wonder if there is a better solution running ansible-navigator run
Do you have any hints?
Thank you very much
Kind Regards