Ansible-London: Ansible London – Thursday 27th February 2025 [2025-02-27]

Thanks to Metro Bank for providing the great venue, drinks and food so we could get together to talk about Ansible.

We had a great turnout, and thanks to @uk-bolly for organising the event.

Here are the links to the slides and details of the presentations. Please do take advantage of the Ansible Forum and ask any follow up questions here.

As always, we are looking for ideas on how to improve the Ansible London Meetup, and meetups more generally.

The Tao of Ansible: Mastering Automation with Simplicity and Grace

@John_Stilia recently wrote a book about Ansible The Tao of Ansible where he describes in simple words the philosophy around the tool while he teaches the reader the basics to get started. He took the opportunity to reach an even bigger audience, explain the reasons for writing such a book, and why he believe on the simplicity of the tool too.

You can get the book for free (or Amazon), as it’s on GitHub PRs and Issues are very welcome to help improve the book further.

NEW Open Floor: Q&A

One bit of feedback we got after the previous London Meetup was to provide some dedicated time for general discussion about Ansible.

So, we did and happy to report it worked very well, over 30 minutes we had interactive discussions around the room, ranging from thought processes to linting, from tricks to testing.

All these have also helped to show what we can display and demonstrate in upcoming events.

We’ve pulled together some useful links and added them into the slides, be sure to click “More Pages” at the bottom to see everything.

Next Meetup & Future Talks

As part of the discussion, the consensus in the group was to have quarterly London Meetups. So we hope to see you in July, exact date to be confirmed.

As always, we’d love to hear your Automation stories. Talks or discussions from 5 to 30 minutes are perfect, so if you’d like to share you experiences, please let us know.

All Ansible Events

The Ansible Forum Events page shows all past and future events.

As always the best way to be kept in the loop is to join the Ansible Forum.


Great summary looking forward to the next one. :+1:


Nice write up @gundalow and thank you @uk-bolly for organising. On the day I shared some information around resources that are available/free to use.

Free to use Ansible Labs (browser-based) the labs utilise Instruqt Labs and so it all provisioned by Red Hat, you just need a browser and network connection to be able to use the labs.

Another resource I mentioned was the Good Practices for Ansible and this is more related to ansible content creation and some best practice guidelines associated.


I forgot to mention later in the evening during the Q&A there were some questions around Dynamic Inventories, so here is a link to a great blog talking about them which also goes through the different variants available there is also an example on how to use nmap too which I thought was pretty neat!

The last question someone had was around using Ansible Molecule to test roles against Ubuntu. In this blog the author goes through this using Jeff Geerling’s ubuntu container.

That about wraps it up from the information I shared on the day. Once again thank you for hosting a great Ansible London meetup, was lovely meeting everyone and I’m looking forward to the next!