Ansible-London: Ansible London – Monday 23rd September 2024 [2024-09-23]

Hello folks!

It’s been a long time, though we are happy to get back together in-person on Monday 23rd September

Dell have kindly offered us the use of their office at EC3A 5AY. Walking distance from Liverpool Street, Aldgate East, Fenchurch Street stations.

Ansible Community Update
Most of the Ansible Community team from Red Hat are in town, and will be giving a short update on the recent initiatives including The Ansible Forum and the move to Read The Docs for Ansible upstream projects.

What’s new about Ansible DevTools by Sorin Barnea
Sorin will give an update and demo on what’s been happening in Ansible Development Tooling. Including Using GitHub Actions to test and publish Ansible collections

From Zero to Hero: How to build the Ansible Pilot Community by Luca Berton
Lucas will share his knowledge and how he create an Ansible Community by sharing real code examples throw videos and blog articles. Sharing some real use cases, each article shows the status of the system before and after running the code. The Ansible Pilot website has 150K views/month, and the YouTube channel has 26K views/month

Refreshments & Pizza
Besides the talks, we’ll have the obligatory refreshments and pizza. So come along, mingle with fellow Ansiblings, and hopefully learn something interesting from the experiences shared.

Future Talks
We are looking for talks (5-20 minutes) for this, and future meetups. If you have something you’d like to talk about at a future meetup, submit your talk via the London GitHub Repo.

Here’s a list of topics people would like to hear about – can you give a future talk on any of these popular requests?

We look forward to seeing you on the Monday 23rd September :collision:


NOTE: This is a free event. You only need to RSVP to attend the meetup.

It’s been a long time, though we are happy to get back together in-person on Monday 23rd September in London.

See the Meetup Page for full details and to RSVP.

This is my meeting summay in three blog posts. It was great meeting you all again!

Setting Up Neo4j GenAI Environment on Fedora Using Ansible:

The full code of the GraphRAG demo presented at the Ansible London meetup.

Ansible DevTools Meetup 2024: Latest Automation Updates

I appreciate an update about the Ansible DevTools.

Ansible Community Meetup 2024: Updates, Releases, and Networking