The Bullhorn #155

This week in Ansible Community

Issue #155, 2024-09-28 (Past Issues)


Welcome to The Bullhorn, our newsletter for the Ansible Community. If you have any questions or content you’d like to share, you’re welcome to chat with us in the Ansible Social room on Matrix, and mention newsbot to have your news item tagged for review for the next weekly issue!

Major new releases :trophy:

Ansible-Core :arrow_upper_right:

The ansible-core package contains the base engine and a small subset of modules and plugins. To see what’s planned for the next release, look at the ansible-core roadmaps.

Leo contributed

Ansible-core devel bumped to 2.19.0.dev0, stable-2.18 branch created. If you are a collection maintainer check the following forum topic by @felixfontein to know the details on how this affects your tests and CI matrix.

ansible-announce said

New Release: ansible-core v2.18.0b1 - New Release: ansible-core v2.18.0b1

Ansible Community Package :arrow_upper_right:

The Ansible package includes ansible-core and is a batteries-included package that provides a curated set of Ansible collections. See the Ansible roadmaps for future release plans.

gotmax23 contributed

I submitted an official Fedora Change Proposal (Changes/Ansible11) to update to the upcoming Ansible Core 2.18 / Ansible 11 release in Fedora 42, scheduled to be released next spring. Fedora users, please direct your feedback to the Fedora Discussion or fedora-devel mailing list posts.

Felix Fontein said

Ansible 11.0.0a1 package (pre-release) is here! :heart:
:link:Release announcement: Ansible community package 11.0.0a1 (Pre-Release)
:minidisc:You can install it by running the following command:

python3 -m pip install ansible==11.0.0a1 --user

:arrow_right: Check Release Notes :package::spiral_notepad: (ansible-build-data/11/ at 11.0.0a1 · ansible-community/ansible-build-data · GitHub) and Ansible 11 Porting Guide (Ansible 11 Porting Guide — Ansible Community Documentation) for more details!

Collection updates :magic_wand:

demetri shared

The IBM Ansible z/OS Core v1.11.0 has released !!!

This release has enhanced 16 modules with over 30 new features and delivered 5 bug fixes, documentation updates, new examples and sample playbooks, have a look at the blog that goes into the details.

It focuses primarily on supporting generation data groups (GDG), generation data sets (GDS) with relative name notation, special characters ($ # @) and hyphens in data sets, for example, PROD.DATA#OUT.USER$001. For modules zos_job_sript, zos_job_submit and zos_unarchive, their performance and ability to run in an execution environment was improved by changing the plugins mechanics when interacting with peer modules. Additionally, fixes were made in zos_copy, zos_data_set, zos_job_submit, zos_mvs_raw.

andersson007_ contributed

[UPDATED POLL] The community is voting on removing the collection from the Ansible community package. Please share your opinion in one of the related polls!

Community events and meetups :date:

Leo contributed

Ansible was present at DevOpsDays London 2024. Did you attend the event? Share your experience in the forum topic. For those that visited the booth there is a badge coming! Extra points if you got a pic with @gundalow @oranod @anwesha @samccann or @gwmngilfen in the Ansible booth :wink:

Leo contributed

The Ansible London Meetup got back together in-person just before DevOpsDays London, hosted by Dell at their offices and organized by the Ansible Community Team. The agenda had @gundalow, @samccann, @Oranod, @anwesha , @ssbarnea and @lucab_it all doing presentations. Check the post in the forum for details and share your comments and feedback if you attended!

Proposals - discuss and vote! :ballot_box:

Leo said

The @network-wg is currently working on the IOS-XR route_maps resource module and would like to request reviews for the proposed model. The model is up for review. For a more detailed view, please take a look at the accompanying gist. Additionally, a temporary configuration has been added in the deleted examples section for review purposes. Your feedback and insights would be greatly appreciated!

That’s all for now!

Have any questions you’d like to ask, or issues you’d like to see covered? Please ask in! See you next time!