Hello Guys,
I am planning to develop a custom wrapper language and would like to use ansible inside my language. Once the product is ready, will I be able to sell it to other customers for free or for some charges?
Thank You!
Hello Guys,
I am planning to develop a custom wrapper language and would like to use ansible inside my language. Once the product is ready, will I be able to sell it to other customers for free or for some charges?
Thank You!
I'm neither a lawyer nor an Ansible maintainer, but Ansible is licensed under GPLv3, so if you're creating a derivative work, you'll have to release the source under the same license. I don't think there's a firm legal definition of what constitutes a "derivative work", but if you're importing Ansible's Python code and using it from another Python program, then you'll have to release it under the GPL.
If you're writing something that just _calls_ Ansible, e.g. to run a playbook, you might not have to open-source it.
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Kevin R. Bullock
Thank you Kevin for a quick response. So If I generate a GPLv3 license inside my product folder (license.txt) and release it on github …etc will be ok?
Hello Guys,
I am planning to develop a custom wrapper language and would like to use ansible inside my language. Once the product is ready, will I be able to sell it to other customers for free or for some charges?
First: A disclaimer: I am neither an ansible developer nor a legal professional
Most of ansible is under GPL v3 or later (minor bits are under BSD-type, but let’s ignore those for now…), so you’ll have to follow the GPL License v3
The first place to visit should probably be here: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html - it is pretty comprehensive. The FAQ is worth browsing too: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html
My own reading of it:
So it boils down to whether your wrapper language would be a derivative of ansible or not.
How closely will the wrapper language be tied to ansible? By the sound of it, pretty tight! So the result will probably have to be GPLv3 too: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#NFUseGPLPlugins
Hope this helps (more than it confuses…)
Karl E. Jorgensen karl@jorgensen.org.uk
Thank you Karl for your detailed explanation. I think your description answers all my questions. Thank you!!!