Hi Guys,
I need to understand license requirements for commercial use of Ansible and AWX.
I think that no license is required for Ansible and AWX.
Please suggest.
Jatin Garg
Hi Guys,
I need to understand license requirements for commercial use of Ansible and AWX.
I think that no license is required for Ansible and AWX.
Please suggest.
Jatin Garg
Hello Jatin,
ansible and awx are opensource projects, so you can use for free.
More specifically, Ansible is licensed under GPL 3+ and AWX is licensed under
Apache 2.0.
Finding the AWX licence is not so hard, however I am somewhat amazed that even
with a fair amount of searching, I couldn't find any clear statement on the
ansible website itself that it is licensed under GPL 3+. I took that
information from wikipedia.
normally each project has this or similar (COPYING):
GitHub is the primary reference. This is where the code is published.
Simply google "github ansible" or "github awx"
I can't help feeling that most people who might want to know the licence under
which Ansible is published are going to start with a Google search for
"ansible licence" (or perhaps "ansible license") or else "ansible licensing".
How are they supposed to know that "github" is the magic word?
> Antony Stone <Antony.Stone@ansible.open.source.it> wrote:
> > ... fair amount of searching, ... it is licensed under GPL 3+. I took
> > that information from wikipedia.
> GitHub is the primary reference. This is where the code is published.
> Simply google "github ansible" or "github awx"I can't help feeling that most people who might want to know the licence under
which Ansible is published are going to start with a Google search for
"ansible licence" (or perhaps "ansible license") or else "ansible licensing".
How are they supposed to know that "github" is the magic word?
There are hints everywhere
1) "Edit on GitHub" in each right upper corner of the documentation.
2) https://www.ansible.com/ -> Community -> "Ansible on GitHub"
3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansible_(software)#References
It seems that the question is rather "How are they supposed to
know that source code is the right place to look for a license?"
In all cases I know of, the license is included with the source code
(seems like it is a copyright requirement).