Ansible installation did not create /etc/ansible directory

I am running rhel 8.9 server. I installed ansible-4.10 as my username this morning. Everything seems to have installed correctly, but I don’t have an /etc/ansible directory.
I used the command 'pip3 install --user ansible.
Does anyone see anything I did wrong? All comments, suggestions, and corrections are welcome.

The /etc directory requires root/sudo permissions to create and modify files/directories, so it’s expected that pip wouldn’t touch it. The only time that /etc/ansible might be automatically created on RHEL 8 is with dnf install ansible-core. Since you used pip, you didn’t do anything wrong and shouldn’t expect the /etc/ansible directory to exist.

If you will only be running Ansible as your own user, you don’t necessarily need that directory anyway. Everything you might need to configure can also be done in your userspace.

Thank you very much, Caleb! This helps me greatly!