Ansible Galaxy role removal


I have noticed an issue caused by user error. It would be great if some admin could help me resolve this issue. Based on the source code it seems someone with “admin” would be able to delete this erroneous role.

If you try to import a role through command line and include the --role-name and you provide incorrect arguments it will timeout the import and key the role-name locked


ansible-galaxy import rahul0705 rahul0705/ansible-certbot --role-name certbot

This was a mistake (the extra username in the repo field). This creates the following log:

Starting import 99571: role_name=certbot repo=rahul0705/rahul0705/ansible-certbot

Once that times out we still cannot use the certbot role name in the rahul0705 namespace.

Starting import 99568: role_name=ansible-certbot repo=rahul0705/ansible-certbot
Accessing branch: master
Parsing and validating meta data.
Setting role name to certbot
Parsing galaxy_tags
Parsing platforms
Adding dependencies
Parsing and validating README
Adding repo tags as role versions
Removing old tags
Import completed
Status SUCCESS : warnings=0 errors=0
Error saving role: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "main_role_namespace_36aa1070a7d8dc70_uniq" DETAIL: Key (namespace, name)=(rahul0705, certbot) already exists.