Ansible Galaxy not functional?

@sivel Looks like actions/checkout@v2 and actions/setup-python@v2 throw warnings, you should use actions/checkout@v3 and actions/setup-python@v5 instead if possible.

Apart from this, thanks for the contribution! I’ll try to find the time and have look at it.

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Yeah, I’m not actively using it, and haven’t touched it since I wrote it. It was an example for some people who were having issues, but I don’t think they ever used it, or shared it like was originally intended.

Feel free to update and share as you see fit.

No problem, just wanted to mention it :upside_down_face:

There’s also the new galaxy-operator for those of you that want to try it out. I wouldn’t call it a production-ready solution yet, but it wouldn’t hurt to demo and provide feedback if you’re able.