Ansible Galaxy down?


It seems Ansible Galaxy is down (at least for me):

Error 1016 Ray ID: 6a1137627e9ed463 • 2021-10-20 09:28:30 UTC
Origin DNS error
What happened?

You’ve requested a page on a website ( that is on the Cloudflare network. Cloudflare is currently unable to resolve your requested domain (
What can I do?

If you are a visitor of this website:
Please try again in a few minutes.

If you are the owner of this website:
Check your DNS settings. If you are using a CNAME origin record, make sure it is valid and resolvable. Additional troubleshooting information here.

Is there a way to track the issue and be notified when it’s up again?

I can access the website, but ansible-builder has been failing for me all morning

ERROR! Error when getting the collection info for community.general from default ( (HTTP Code: 530, Message: Code: Unknown)
STEP 9: FROM AS builder
STEP 10: COPY --from=galaxy /usr/share/ansible /usr/share/ansible
Error: error building at STEP “RUN ansible-galaxy collection install $ANSIBLE_GALAXY_CLI_COLLECTION_OPTS -r requirements.yml --collections-path /usr/share/ansible/collections”: error while running runtime: exit status 1

Strange because I really can’t access the website (I did several refresh).

Is there a twitter account or something else we can follow update on Ansible Galaxy status?

Location based possibly?

Galaxy is working again for me now, hopefully for you too.

Yes, sorry, I meant to mention it, but instead I jumped back into my work! My bad.