abd,cde are two groups in inventory files. Getting error while running the playbook:
hosts: abc,cde
- name: Check
shell: ls -ltrh /tmp/test1/ | wc -l
register : something_result
when: "'abc' in group_names"
- name: True
shell: ls -ltrh /tmp/test1/ | wc -l
register: something2_result
when: "'cde' in group_names"
failed_when: something2_result != something_result
Error: “The conditional check ‘something2_result.stdout == something_result.stdout’ failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (something2_result.stdout == something_result.stdout): ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘stdout’”
The reason is, it is only picking getting variable value from abc group, not working for cde