I have two inventories, each for test an production. And I call ansible(-playbook) explicitly with one of these, to not mix things up. 
(Things like IP configuration differ from test and production.)
The inventory has group names ending in "-test" or "-prod" too, on which I could check too.
# test:
# production
How can I check in the task and in jinja templates, if the host is in test or production?
I asked something related in 2013 and got "when: inventory_hostname in groups.webservers-test" as an answer. But this results in a fatal
"error while evaluating conditional: inventory_hostname in groups.webservers-test"
I could set this as a group:var for all, like:
# test
Is this the best way to do this?
That works fine for me - [all:vars] in an inventory, but I use the
same group names
across all inventories for consistency.
I think this could bite me in the future with dynamic inventories etc.
that may make it
a little harder to do that, but for now it works great.
​You inventory has webserver-test, not webserver*s*-test :)​
But next thing would be, variable names cannot have dashes, so you would
need to rewrite you conditional using a string:
when: inventory_hostname in groups["webservers-test"]
Serge van Ginderachter schrieb (09.03.2015 22:35 Uhr):
# test:
# production
How can I check in the task and in jinja templates, if the host is
in test or production?
I asked something related in 2013 and got
"when: inventory_hostname in groups.webserve*rs*-test" as an answer.
But this results in a fatal
"error while evaluating conditional: inventory_hostname in
​You inventory has webserver-test, not webserver*s*-test :)​
this have not been real world names, as you can imagine. 
It war an error in the mail, of course.
But next thing would be, variable names cannot have dashes, so you would need to rewrite you conditional using a string:
when: inventory_hostname in groups["webservers-test"]
OK, thank you.
I like the [all:vars] way better now, I think.