Let me begin by thanking everyone who took the time to provide a response to my query. For your time and effort, I’m extremely grateful!!!
Before I composed this post, I read through each response, taking notes.
Sean commented: “Ansible Engine used to be a product …” So, my interpretation of that comment is that when Ansible Engine was the only game in town, it WAS a product. So if I were to go back in time, and someone were to ask me, "Trevor, what is Ansible Engine? I would, or should, respond by saying, “Ansible Engine is a product”. This is based on my understanding of Sean’s comment.
By the way, Sean thank you for mentioning the article, “Understanding Ansible, AWS, and Ansible Automation”. Fortunately I read that article about 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, it did nothing to wipe away the fog regarding the question about what Ansible Engine is.
And just in case the mountain wasn’t already high enough for me to climb, Sean thought he might raise the incline by mentioning Ansible Inside. Ouch!!! That caused me to put my computer to sleep, and go for a bike ride to clear my head 
Leo said that I could think of Ansible Engine as basically the product version of Ansible. I wasn’t sure if that would permit me to say that Ansible Engine was a product or not.
Leo mentioned the Ansible Glossary. Thanks Leo for that suggestion. I’ve toured that page for so many days, I feel I could recite it in my sleep.
So you guys are now asking, “What does this guy want? We’re answering his question. Does he have a learning challenge?” That’s a fair question 
I was hoping to get a summary response that would simply state:
Ansible Engine is …!!! For example, SSL is a protocol! Any way you slice it, that’s what SSL is. Now from there, I can fill-up 10 pages easily with additional information. But when all the layers are peeled back, SSL is a protocol.
Okay folks, I’ve used up enough bandwidth on this matter. Ansible Engine is no more. R.I.P. Ansible Engine!!!
When I can locate it, I’ll share a diagram that I saw about 2 months ago, that set off this firestorm in my little brain.
Again, thanks everyone for your time and effort. I remind myself before every post, that no one is obligated to provide a response to any question or comment that is post in the community. However, each of you were kind and considerate enough to entertain my query, and for that, a mere thank you seems so trite.
I didn’t get a one-liner to my query, but be assured that I absolutely came away educated!!! Many, many, many thanks!!!