Ansible 6.3.0 has been Released!

Hi all,

We’re happy to announce that the Ansible 6.3.0 package has been released!

Ansible 6.3.0 will include ansible-core 2.13.3 as well as a curated set of
Ansible collections to provide a vast number of modules and plugins.

This is a major version update from Ansible 5.x which included
ansible-core 2.12 and there may be backwards incompatibilities in the
core playbook language.

How to get it

Hi all,

We're happy to announce that the Ansible 6.3.0 package has been released!

Ansible 6.3.0 will include ansible-core 2.13.3 as well as a curated set of
Ansible collections to provide a vast number of modules and plugins.

I've updated my RPM building tools at to match.

Isn't it time to decouple ansible-core and ansible? The 100 or so
third party modules embedded in the tarball called "ansible" do not
share the same versions for ansible-core as each other, and
ansible-core is still not included as part of the "ansible" tarball.
It is installed separately, often as a "pip install" dependency.

And as I've mentioned before, the "ansible" tarball does not contain
"ansible". It's a bundle of roughly 100 third party modules from the
ansible galaxy collection, more properly called "ansible_collections",
and the actual ansible executable script and critical modules are in
"ansible-core". This has been going on since the split, which frankly
was done backwards. and is as a result very confusing. Frankly, most
sites should ignore the ansible tarball. It's too big, and individual
components are too erratically maintained, to rely on for high
reliability, and the individual ansible galaxy collection modules
should be installed only as needed and updated as a checklist, not as
a bundle. or as a monolithic package.

ansible-core contains the actual executable tools and critical python
modules, and frankly should always be installed first. I've previously
suggested renaming the "ansible" tarball to an "ansible_collections"
tarball, which would make a lot more sense given that it installs all
of its actual content in "ansible_collections" rooted python
directories, and only "ansible-core" installs in "ansible" rooted

This is a major version update from Ansible 5.x which included
ansible-core 2.12 and there may be backwards incompatibilities in the
core playbook language.

As I've pointed out repeatedly: the ansible package has *never*
ansible-core since the very confusing ansible split, back at ansible
2.9, "ansible" now has a listed pip installation requirement of
ansible-core which can and should be ignored in most environments
They are linked but not directly dependent packages. Please, stop
using this confusing language.

It would ease deployment for many if they simply installed
ansible-core directly, and entirely ignored the bulky and "ansible"
tarball, installing only the particular ansible galaxy collection
modules they need if and as needed. For most, the "ansible" tarball is
no longer an efficient or effective use of their resources.