Ansible 6.2.0 has been released!

Hi all,

We’re happy to announce that the Ansible 6.2.0 package has been released !

Ansible 6.2.0 will include ansible-core 2.13.2 as well as a curated set of

Ansible collections to provide a vast number of modules and plugins.

This is a major version update from Ansible 5.x which included

ansible-core 2.12 and there may be backwards incompatibilities in the

core playbook language.

How to get it

I see it. I've updated my github repo for building ansible-core 2.13.2
and ansible 6.2.0 over at, and
it's passing my limited smoke testing.

The description is still misleading. The published ansible tarball
does not i fact include any of ansible-core, it lists a build
requirement for ansible-core 2.3.2 which can, and frankly should, be
built and updated distinctly.

ansible-core 2.13, and thus ansible, both require a minimum of python
3.8. I've updated my repo to use the "python39" modules available for
RHEL 8, though those may require enabling the python39 modularity on
RHEL 8 and its parallel operating systems to build and install a
current version of ansible-core That python version requirement is
why, for local installations on RHEL 8, the installation commands
should be:

     pip3.9 install --user ansible-core==2.3.2
     pip3.9 install --user ansible==6.2.0

python 3.8 is available for RHEL 7, but only as the rh-python38
packages from the SCLO channel. I don't recommend using those, they're
not well supported and too many python modules will have to be
provided locally rather than RPM bundled.

At this point, ansible releases are happening on a distinct schedule
than ansible-core, and phase locking them is not really a requirement
for ansible galaxy collection modules designed for backwards
ansible-core compatibility.