Ansible 2.3 support in AWX


I am looking if we can setup ansible AWX in a way that it can support ansible 2.3
I did AWX installation and it does install docker containers having ansible 2.4 version, so i want ansible 2.3 supported AWX

Please suggest me how we can achieve that.

Many thanks in advance.

Hey Satyapal,
The current AWX tagged versions should mostly work with Ansible 2.3. There are things about the new inventory UI/API that take advantage of some 2.4 enhancements (but 2.3 support is backported). Other than that, there may be some underlying dependencies that we are relying on being updated that could cause weird behavior.

That being said, when I did the AWX local docker install last week, it complained that my machine had an old version of Ansible locally (now granted, I had a very old version of Ansible locally, 1.9.x). I tried to figure out if we were doing some sort of “check” on the Ansible version within the installer playbook or other stuff in the install directory, but I couldn’t find anything. If you are running into this, I’m not sure what’s causing it, maybe someone else has an idea?

Note that we will probably not be devoting engineering resources to fix things that are broken in the 2.3 context–if you run into some major issues, I would recommend updating your playbooks/inventories/other ansible stuff to work with 2.4, as that shouldn’t be super difficult and time-consuming, and it’ll be necessary in the long run anyway.

Thanks and hope that helps!

Just to piggyback on what John said… in order to have support from within the installed containers you’ll need to add it to the container / container image yourself since our official images bake in whatever is the latest stable release of ansible.