Ansible 2.0 RC1 is available for testing!

Hi all, for those not at AnsibleFest we have officially release the first release candidate for Ansible 2.0!

For details and background, please see the original beta announcement here:

How do you get it?

Is there a document anywhere that describes the changes and/or recommendations to migrate playbooks from 1.9.x to 2.0.0 (I’m not seeing anything obvious)? I installed 2.0.0 and attempted to run an existing playbook and it fell over immediately. It appears that variable scope has changed in significant ways (the play errored out checking a variable that had been defined in group_vars/all).



The changelog has most of the things you need to look at

Variable scope has not changed, precedence has been clarified and
templating has been defered to the last possible moment.
These last 2 have made it possible to fix many silent errors, which
are now shown when they were ignored before.

I would also recommend creating a new thread on ansible-project with any problems you are having.

Generally speaking, 2.0 should be backwards compatible, and if you are having issues with a playbook that ran fine, we should probably know a little more about it to determine if it is an issue with the 2.0 code base.

When will we be able to install v2.0 via PIP? (I’m still seeing 1.9.4)

Ansible 2.0 is still in release candidate, and pre releases are not pushed to pypi.

If you wish to install via pip, the following should work:

pip install

rc1 RPMS for Fedora and RHEL/CentOS (with EPEL enabled) are now built
into the copr repository. You can find it at the usual place:
