Is there a document anywhere that describes the changes and/or recommendations to migrate playbooks from 1.9.x to 2.0.0 (I’m not seeing anything obvious)? I installed 2.0.0 and attempted to run an existing playbook and it fell over immediately. It appears that variable scope has changed in significant ways (the play errored out checking a variable that had been defined in group_vars/all).
Variable scope has not changed, precedence has been clarified and
templating has been defered to the last possible moment.
These last 2 have made it possible to fix many silent errors, which
are now shown when they were ignored before.
I would also recommend creating a new thread on ansible-project with any problems you are having.
Generally speaking, 2.0 should be backwards compatible, and if you are having issues with a playbook that ran fine, we should probably know a little more about it to determine if it is an issue with the 2.0 code base.