Hi all, we’re happy to announce the second release candidate for Ansible 2.0!
This release candidate includes a few bug fixes and cleanups since rc1 was released, and if we don’t have anything major show up in the next few days we’ll be releasing 2.0-final, so get testing!
“well, in 2.0 missing tags will not error out (yet), but this does seem like an interesting corner case, it should affect empty plays and includes also.”
Hi Jeff, we’re going to let the tags issue slide until a dot release, due to the complexity involved in trying to determine tags from include files. Since includes are now dynamic and can be based on inventory variables (or even variables set during the execution of a playbook), we have no way of knowing for sure which files will be loaded. As a result, any tasks tagged in those files won’t be seen until the file is actually processed. We have some ideas on how to fix this, however we don’t want to hold up the 2.0 release at this time.