Hi all, we’re happy to announce that RC2 for 2.1.0 is now available for testing.
This updated release candidate fixes several bugs from RC1, including (but not limited to):
- Fixed several bugs related to the new ziploader method of executing modules on
remote systems.
- Fixed several bugs in strategies and with task iteration.
- Fixed a bug where “meta: refresh_inventory” was failing due to a host filtering pattern
- Fixed a bug where blocks with an “always” portion but no “rescue” were improperly
continuing after a failed task in the block.
- Fixed a bug with the combined use of set_fact and run_once.
- Fixed retry/until logic, where a task succeeding on the last iteration of the retry
would still be marked as failed regardless of success.
How do you get it?
Great news! When Ansible 2.1 will be available in pip install?
There are several ways to install it with pip before it’s released on PyPi, ie.:
pip install https://github.com/ansible/ansible/archive/v2.1.0.0-0.1.rc1.tar.gz
Or install in editable mode (best):
pip install -e git+https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@v2.1.0.0-0.1.rc1#egg=ansible
Also, GJ ! Awesome release, I love it !
Scratch the first one, it doesn’t get the submodules, use the second line which works, don’t forget to install git
$ git clone https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git
$ cd ansible
$ git checkout v2.1.0.0-0.2.rc2
$ git submodule update --init
The tag “v2.1.0.0-0.2.rc2” is missing in the github repo. Latest tag is “v2.1.0.0-0.1.rc1”.
Hi Bernhard, sorry about that. That’s been fixed now.