Advice on converting complex ansible project to Ansible Automation Platform


I have a large and complex ansible project that i need to convert to Ansible Automation Platform and it’s not clear how this should be done. I literally cannot find any resources - blogs/books/documentation on how this should be done.

the ansible project has roles nested in it. Each role has 5-10 playbooks inside it.
there are also quite a few playbooks outside of the roles, inventories too.

It’s not obvious to me how these roles should be added into AAP.
I guess the roles could be made into collections and then consumed within AAP but i want to avoid doing too much work in conversion.

does AAP handle roles exactly as they are done in regular ansible? e.g. jinja templating. I find zero information on this

Do you have already an AAP environment available? I would start there with creating a new Project where you add your existing ansible git repository and sync it. Then you would create a new Template referencing one of your ansible playbooks. Once you have a template defined and saved, you can launch it. And finally you’ll see how it works.

As the default AAP execution environment probably doesn’t contain all your dependencies, your next step will be to build your own execution environment container image and use that one for your ansible playbooks.


also, currently my inventories yaml files and main variables.yml are part of my ansbile repo. will they be handled the same as in regular ansible?

or will i need to create actual AAP-style inventories, and store the variables somewhere else in AAP too?

lastly, is Ansible vault usable in AAP?

(sorry lots of RTFM questions, but i havent been able to find any manual/books/blogs that has any of this info)