Adding alias to ingress

Hi everyone!

We are running AWX 21.13.0 over k3s and we would like to have an alias to the host, so for example users can access AWX interface both in and awxdev. Both names are defined in an external DNS.

I have tried editing the ingress with “kubectl -n awx edit ingress” to add both hosts and it works, but after some time it is refreshed and goes back to just

I have also tried applying an ingress file with both hosts using “kubectl -n awx create -f awx-ingress.yml”, but after some time it seems AWX ends up creating another one and using it instead, going back to

How could I configure this so it is persistent?


Ok, nevermind, my lack of experience with k3s made me think wrongly. I have created another ingress in the same namespace with the alias and everything is working now :slight_smile:

thanks for letting us know you fixed it! cheers

AWX Team