Access to collection

Here is the Zuul log when you tried to publish 2.2.0 on October 6th:

The relevant part is:

2023-10-06 18:38:19.525376 | controller | ERROR! Error when publishing collection to release_galaxy ( (HTTP Code: 403, Message: You do not have permission to perform this action. Code: permission_denied)

The cause is that the account that Zuul uses to publish collections lost access to all (or a least most) of its namespaces: Bot used for publishing has lost namespace access That was fixed roughly when you tried to publish your collection, so maybe you were a bit too early.

You should try to delete the tag on GitHub and re-push it. That tells Zuul to try to publish it (again). This usually works (assuming the problem isn’t with the collection itself, which doesn’t look to be the case here).

In any case, you should delete the v2.2.0 tag, since that is definitely broken (Update galaxy.yml (#1103) · ansible-collections/community.zabbix@b93862d · GitHub - the version number is invalid as it starts with v).

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