Access register array defined in one host group from another host group

Hello, is it possible to do the following

  • hosts: localhost
    gather_facts: False


Probably something like


You mean hostvars[groups[‘localhost’]|first.new_ips
Doesn’t work!

Gives the following error: One or more undefined variables: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘localhost’

You know what- I answered your title, not your question. If you don't
want to have to try and persist things between plays, you might have
more luck with something like this:

- hosts: myhosts
   - shell: echo things
     local_action: true
     register: new_ips
   - shell: echo other things {{new_ips}}

but there's nothing in your example that seems to necessitate anything
that you're doing.

haha…okay! I did not want to post my whole playbook as it might get confusing. I really do appreciate your help though. Here is a sizeable chunk of the playbook which might make things easy (or difficult) to understand :slight_smile:

#$ cat khan.yml