Ansible - use variable from another host

I have a playbook that executes a script on a Windows box that returns a value that I have to re-use later on in my playbook after switching to the localhost. How can I access this value after switching back to localhost. Here is an example:


hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
hosts: windows
gather_facts: no

  • name: Call PowerShell script
    win_command: “c:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe c:\psl_scripts\getData.ps1”
    register: value_to_reuse

hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
connection: local

  • name: debug store_name from windows host
    var: “{{ hostvars[windows][value_to_reuse][stdout_lines] }}”


What is the correct syntax accessing a variable from another host? I’m receiving error message: “msg”: "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: ‘windows’ is undefined

hostvars requires a string that is a host name: hostvars['<hostname>']
, if the 'windows' is a hostname you can do
hostvars['windows']['varname'] .. if it is a group , you cannot do
this, you need to use a specific hostname.

But if you just want any host in the group you can do :

Also note that if you don't quote something it will be interpreted as
a variable that contains the name, not the variable name you want
(list indecies are an exception as they are just numbers).