403 forbidden ansible galaxy API keys

Hi - I went to publish a role this morning osc.open_ondemand (or OSC.open_ondemand I can’t tell which is legit and which is a copy) and started to get 403 forbidden errors.

I regenerated the key for the robotic user that does this work to no avail. I can’t tell if that robotic user is even has access to the role anymore.

So I then tried to generate an API key for myself, but it still doesn’t work. The key I generated was in the UI’s collections tab and I’m trying to upload a role, so that could be the issue - but if that’s the case the UI doesn’t show me how to generate an API key for a role.


I feel like this is a duplicate of this topic:

At least this topic highlights the fact that the API key might just be for collections and not for standalone roles.

API keys are not scoped, and will work for collection uploads and role imports as long as the user for the key has RBAC control of the destination namespace.