Galaxy NG: Role Import into organizational namespace fails with "ERROR! None (HTTP Code: 403, Message: Forbidden)"

Hi everybody! To better explain where this issue I mention in the title arises, let me give you some historic background:

Situation before Galaxy NG
In the old Galaxy portal there we had:

  • the namespace paperless_ngx
  • the role: paperless_ngx
  • multiple owners (one is me and one is a technical user called paperlessngx-bot)

In the old days I was able to import a role with:
ansible-galaxy role import --branch main --api-key <api key from paperlessngx-bot of **OLD** Galaxy> paperless-ngx ansible

Situation Today
I don’t know if this is of any help but at least for completeness: Today, without taking any action by myself, there are multiple namespaces:

  • paperless_ngx: h t t p s:// → Seems to be the 1:1 migrated namespace from the old Galaxy that also has the same owners than the old Galaxy.

  • paperless-ngx: h t t p s:// → seems to be the namespace for the user paperless-ngx

  • paperlessngx-bot: h t t p s:// → seems to be the namespace for the user paperlessngx-bot

  • paperlessngx_bot: h t t p s:// → donno where this is coming from

Now, when I wan’t to import a role with:
ansible-galaxy role import --branch main --api-key <api key from paperlessngx-bot of **NEW** Galaxy> paperless-ngx ansible
the result is:
ERROR! None (HTTP Code: 403, Message: Forbidden)

If I instead (just for testing purposes) try to import a role that goes from github account stevenengland to galaxy namespace stevenengland that is not an organization, then the import at least fails at another step: Then it says:

ansible-galaxy role import --branch main --api-key <api key of new galaxy for user stevenengland> stevenengland somerole
Successfully submitted import request 2056154415568375275918351201730878139
Starting import: task_id=2056154415568375275918351201730878139, pulp_id=018c003d-562d-7616-b8a1-4c972304dabb

==== PARAMETERS ====
importer username: stevenengland
matched user: stevenengland id:5224
github_user: stevenengland
github_repo: somerole
github_reference: main
alternate_role_name: None

user:stevenengland repo:somerole did not match any existing roles

===== CLONING REPO =====
cloning ...
cloning failed: Cloning into '/tmp/tmpsgkzg_9k/somerole'...
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled

  • Does Galaxy get confused because I import the role with the github organization paperless-ngx and the target namespace for import in galaxy, due to restrictsions of the old galaxy, is paperless_ngx (mind the dash/underscore thingi) while there also is a namespace in the new galaxy called paperless-ngx?
  • Can someone from the team help me troubleshoot if the token access rights are correctly implemented?