389 Directory Server - Ansible Collection Question

Hi folks,

I work in Red Hat in the 389 Directory Server team (LDAP server, https://www.port389.org/).
We are developing a 389 Directory Server Ansible Galaxy Collection for Fedora.
The code draft we have now: https://github.com/389ds/ansible-ds

For now, we’re in the very early development stages, so we’re still defining the overall architecture.
I read Ansible documentation, but one thing is not 100% clear to me.

Is it the right thing to do during ansible-playbook execution?

  1. Create a ‘dummy’ LDAP instance on the managed node;
  2. Compare configuration between the ‘dummy’ instance and the customer’s LDAP instance;
  3. Remove the ‘dummy’ instance from the managed node;
  4. Proceed with the gathered data.

Will it violate any Ansible paradigms? Or it is an acceptable thing to do in the module/collection that we will ship to our users.

Thank you!
Kind Regards,