Workaround ansible-modules-core 1170 service module with Upstart

Hey guys,
just a workaround to
I have roles which run on Ubuntu and use service: module to manage services.
I don't want to "fix" the roles and revert when 1170 is released.
So I decided to fix this easily on playbook/play level. I install a SysV script
named after the service to manage with the following contents in pre_tasks, e.g.
for php5-fpm service:
    service php5-fpm $1
Like that:

- name: Deploy php5-fpm
  hosts: fpm
    - name: Install php5-fpm service hack
    - { role: php-fpm }

Once 1170 fix has been released just exchange copy task file file: state=absent,
role never has to be updated/released.

# kraM

just use the version of service in devel, it was patched to fix that issue.

Sure, but it’s not always possible to use Ansible from devel.

you don't need the full ansible, just a copy of the file
from ansible-modules-core