service module doesnt work


I am trying to restart the cron and httpd services, but unable to do so with ansible.

Output shows OK, but changed=0. See below output.

[root@slc09vev ansible]# ansible-playbook restart.cron.pb.yml

PLAY [This is to call the restart_cron role] ***********************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [slc11zrn]
ok: [slc09vev]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
host1 : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
host2 : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0

Here is my task file:

[root@slc09vev ansible]# cat roles/restart_cron/tasks/cron_restart.yml

  • name:“restart crond service”
  • service:
    name:crond state:restarted

What could be the reason for this?


It doesn’t look like the ‘restart crond service’ tasks runs at all - how are you calling it from the ‘restart.cron.pb.yml’ playbook?

I believe that the OK you get is from the ‘Gathering Facts’ task since that’s all that looks like it’s running.

Cheers, Mike

Your task is never executed, you can see that in the output (there is
no mention whatsoever of "restart crond service").

Additionally, the task as you have output it here would never run
because of syntax errors (even if you had it correctly included) -
because it's not valid yaml. It would need to look something similar
to (note the spaces and newlines):

- name: "restart crond service"
- service:
    name: crond
    state: restarted

Best regards

Your syntax is invalid:

- name:"restart crond service"
- service:
     name:crond state:restarted

You never get to the service task as you have an 'empty task' with
just the name ... and then you structure yaml format as it were k=v,
you probably want the following:

- name:"restart crond service"
     name: crond
     state: restarted


- name:"restart crond service"
  service: name=crond state=restarted